The most hilarious and highly entertaining comedy show that any woman or mom will ever experience in their lifetime, hosted by the two most honest, unfiltered, pee-your-pants funny moms on the planet.
They’ve sold-out theatres. They’ve performed at over 100 venues across North America. They’ve brought together a community of women and moms to laugh and cry together. And now Cat & Nat are rounding up their entourage (including their male dancers) and hopping on their tour bus and coming to a city near you!
- Off the rails shenanigans (you have to be there to find out what exactly this means…).
- Brutal honesty about motherhood – Cat & Nat get into all the mom confessions that no one ever talks about.
- New friends. Whether you come alone or you come with 20 other people, you’ll walk away with a community of women who have your back through the everyday gong show that is life.
- FUN…what happens at a Cat & Nat show, stays at a Cat & Nat show!
For more information, please see the link below.