September 2016 in Kingston is going to be a busy, busy month!
Along with the usual array of great events such as live music, haunted walks and standup comedy we’ve got some great food related festivals. September will see Ribfest and Chilifest return to Kingston.
On top of that the Frontenacs are back in action, the Derby Girls are playing their last game of the season, and the Big Paws Pledge Walk takes place.
And who could forget about the Limestone City Tattoo & Arts Festival, the Multicultural Arts Festival and Voodoo Rockest?
Here’s a look at just SOME of the great events in Kingston in September and click on the image for more details – and if you could share this post that would be much appreciated!
Festivals in September:

Tattoo & Arts FestivalSeptember 17th-18th
Four Points by Sheraton

RibfestSeptember 9th-11th
Memorial Centre

ChiliFestSeptember 24
Confederation Park

WritersFestSeptember 28th-Oct 2nd

Dragon Boat FestivalSeptember 17th
Emma Martin Park

Voodoo RockfestSeptember 23rd-25th

Garlic FestivalSeptember 3rd

Red Hot & BlueSeptember 1st-4th

Santo Cristo FestivalSeptember 2nd-4th
Our Lady of Fatima Parish

Multicultural Arts FestivalSeptember 11th
Confederation Park

Apple FestSeptember 11th
Waddell Apples
Annual Events In September:

Kingston Fall FairSeptember 15th-18th
Memorial Centre

Take Back the NightSeptember 22nd
Confederation Basin

Fort Fright ReturnsSeptember 29th
Fort Henry

Limestone City Car ClassicSeptember 3rd
Lake Ontario Park

Movies in the SquareSeptember 1st
Market Square

Big Paws WalkSeptember 11th
Lake Ontario Park

Kid’s Thrift SaleSeptember 17th

CORK Fall RegattaSeptember 23rd-25th
Portsmouth Harbour

Culture DaysSeptember 30th-October 2nd
Notable Music Events in September:

U.K. SubsSeptember 5th
The Mansion

ColdriftSeptember 16th
Grand Theatre

Trio Jean PaulSeptember 21st
The Isabel

Terri ClarkSeptember 23rd
Grand Theatre
Notable Arts, Theatre & Comedy Events in September:

Art After DarkSeptember 16th

Skin FlickSeptember 8th-24th
Domino Theatre

Haunted WalksAll Month

Paint The Town!September 9th-11th
Portsmouth Village

Buddy WasisnameSeptember 24th
Grand Theatre
Notable Sports Events in September:

Legends Fight LeagueSeptember 9th
Memorial Centre

Frontenacs ReturnSeptember 23rd
K-Rock Centre

Derby GirlsSeptember 10th
Memorial Centre

Equestrian ChampionshipsSeptember 17th-18th
Kingston Penitentiary
Of course there’s much more than just the above happening in Kingston in September. So visit to see the entire listing.