Down Syndrome by the Dozen is a performance put on by Peerless Productions and written by Jacob Ballantyne.
Kingston playwright Jacob lives with down syndrome and has created this play which is a wild ride into an alternate world. Talking clocks, and an unforgettable cast of characters.
It’s produced in association with the H’Art centre and will be a really unique theatre experience.
It takes place at THE BOX and here are the times:
Wednesday, April 19th: 7pm
Thursday, April 20th: 7pm
Saturday, April 22nd: 2pm, 7pm
Sunday, April 23rd: 2pm
Wednesday, April 26th: 7pm
Thursday, April 27th: 7pm
Friday, April 28th: 7pm
Saturday, April 29th: 2pm, 7pm
It’s $10. You can call 613-545-1392 for tickets. There’ll at the door tickets available although they are subject to availability.