School Of Rock

With Movies in the Square winding down, and the school season drastically coming closer and closer for the kids, how about a comedy movie based on school? It’s the perfect timing for School of Rock starring Jack Black. Black is a failure of a rock star, kicked out of his band just before battle of … Read more

Jurassic Park

Oh boy – downtown Kingston is going to be invaded by dinosaurs come August 14th! Jurassic Park will be the movie airing as part of Movies in the Square on that particular date, held of course in Springer Market Square. Directed by Spielberg, Jurassic Park is one of the most monumental and groundbreaking movies of … Read more

Free Willy

See the movie that spawned a bunch of horrible sequels. Okay – that sentence could be about pretty much ANY movie made in the 1993s. Free Willy is a terrific family movie about a whale that is going to be killed by the evil owners of the aquarium it lives at. The boy, Jesse, will … Read more

Groundhog Day

A couple of weeks ago, I warned you that if you’re sick of the Frozen soundtrack you better stay away from downtown Kingston that night, as Frozen would be playing in Movies in the Square. I need to issue a similar warning – if you hate laughter, stay away because it’s all you will hear … Read more

The Avengers

A great selection this year for Movies in the Square, and after 3 hours of Audrey Hepburn last week, we get right into the action this week with The Avengers! One of the most hyped for movies of the decade, The Avengers hit the big screen in 2012 featuring the likes of Robert Downey Jr. … Read more

My Fair Lady

One great thing about Movies in the Square is the mixture of movies that they will play. Over the course of the summer we’ll have 90s animated movies, recent animated movies, classic 80s or 90s comedies and then some classics such as My Fair Lady. If you’re bringing the kids to this one, be sure … Read more


Oh boy – if you’re sick of the Frozen soundtrack like any other parent, be sure to stay away from downtown Kingston on July 3rd! The 3rd movie of the 2014 Movies in the Square season will be airing, that one is none other than Frozen. This incredibly popular animated film by Disney features voiceover … Read more

Space Jam

Thursday, June 26th will see the second movie of 2014s Movies in the Square playing with that movie being the 1996 flick Space Jam. Featuring the one and only Michael Jordan, Space Jam is a combination animation/live-action movie which also has voiceovers by the likes of Wayne Knight and Danny De Vito. Movies in the … Read more

Toopy and Binoo

Grab the kids and head to the Grand Theatre on December 21st, 2014 for a Live performance of Toopy and Binoo: Fun and Games This popular kids program has been turned into a live show that will have the young ones and the young-at-heart singing and dancing along. This show has been popular in my … Read more

A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol is coming to the Grand Theatre just in time for Christmas. You can catch this Charles Dickens timeless Christmas favourite from December 18th – December 20th at 7:30. There will also be a matinee performance at 2:00 on December 20th You all know the story by know; Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by … Read more