The 2018 Skeleton Park Arts Festival takes place from June 20th through June 24th, 2018.
This is always an incredible event and the full schedule can be found at the link below or more specifics however here’s what is happening:
June 20th: Midsummer Eve celebrations in Doug Fluhrer Park.
June 21st: National Indigenous People’s Day, programming at City Hall.
June 22nd: Yoga class, Boxtopia Village, Skeye Installation featuring live music.
June 23rd: Lots going on including live music all day long featuring the likes of The Huaraches, Major Love, The Rheostatics and Cris Derkson. There’ll also be an Artisan Fair, Local Food Vendors and more.
June 24th: Featuring the likes of Lido Pimienta, Porch Jazz Parade, Donovan Woods.
For all the details see the site below: