Kingston Festivals


Kingston Grand Theatre
Kingston Grand Theatre
218 Princess St Kingston, ON Canada


Aug 01 - 11 2024


All Day

TK Fringe Festival Line up

The fringe festival is Here. Check out all the great shows on the leading edge of live theatre and performance art.

August 1st
TK Fringe Festival: Hysterical Historical @ Confederation Place Hotel – 18:20
TK Fringe Festival: Just Add Another Lane @ Confederation Place Hotel – 20:00
TK Fringe Festival: A Side of Rice @ Kingston Grand Theatre – 17:00
TK Fringe Festival: If The Shoes Fit @ Kingston Grand Theatre – 17:00
TK Fringe Festival: Mickey Mouse Shot Me In The Ass @ Kingston Grand Theatre – 18:40
TK Fringe Festival: The Cape as Red as Blood @ Kingston Grand Theatre – 18:40
TK Fringe Festival: ABD With Mark The C @ Kingston Grand Theatre – 20:20
TK Fringe Festival: Death of A Star Man @ Kingston Grand Theatre – 20:20

August 2nd
TK Fringe Festival: My One And Only @ Confederation Place Hotel – 16:40
TK Fringe Festival: The End of the Line @ Confederation Place Hotel – 18:20
TK Fringe Festival: New Wave Your Behaviour @ Confederation Place Hotel – 20:00
TK Fringe Festival: A Sketchy Kind of Show @ Confederation Place Hotel – 21:40
TK Fringe Festival: ABD With Mark The C @ Kingston Grand Theatre – 17:00
TK Fringe Festival: Knowing Riley @ Kingston Grand Theatre – 17:00
TK Fringe Festival: Crazy Bitch @ Kingston Grand Theatre – 18:40
TK Fringe Festival: Coming To The Table @ Kingston Grand Theatre – 18:40
TK Fringe Festival: Circus Gothic @ Kingston Grand Theatre – 20:20
TK Fringe Festival: The Fall After Midsummer @ Kingston Grand Theatre – 20:20
TK Fringe Festival: Christian Slut @ Kingston Grand Theatre – 22:00
TK Fringe Festival: Death of A Star Man @ Kingston Grand Theatre – 22:00

August 3rd
TK Fringe Festival: The End of the Line @ Confederation Place Hotel – 12:20
TK Fringe Festival: Just Add Another Lane @ Confederation Place Hotel – 14:00
TK Fringe Festival: My One And Only @ Confederation Place Hotel – 15:40
TK Fringe Festival: A Sketchy Kind of Show @ Confederation Place Hotel – 17:20
TK Fringe Festival: New Wave Your Behaviour @ Confederation Place Hotel – 19:20
TK Fringe Festival: Hysterical Historical @ Confederation Place Hotel – 21:00

August 4th
TK Fringe Festival: My One And Only @ Confederation Place Hotel – 12:20
TK Fringe Festival: Hysterical Historical @ Confederation Place Hotel – 14:00
TK Fringe Festival: Just Add Another Lane @ Confederation Place Hotel – 15:40
TK Fringe Festival: New Wave Your Behaviour @ Confederation Place Hotel – 17:20
TK Fringe Festival: The End of the Line @ Confederation Place Hotel – 19:00
TK Fringe Festival: A Sketchy Kind of Show @ Confederation Place Hotel – 20:40

August 5th
TK Fringe Festival: New Wave Your Behaviour @ Confederation Place Hotel – 14:00
TK Fringe Festival: My One And Only @ Confederation Place Hotel – 15:40
TK Fringe Festival: The End of the Line @ Confederation Place Hotel – 17:20
TK Fringe Festival: Hysterical Historical @ Confederation Place Hotel – 19:00
TK Fringe Festival: Just Add Another Lane @ Confederation Place Hotel – 20:40

August 6th
TK Fringe Festival: A Sketchy Kind of Show @ Confederation Place Hotel – 15:20
TK Fringe Festival: Hysterical Historical @ Confederation Place Hotel – 17:00
TK Fringe Festival: New Wave Your Behaviour @ Confederation Place Hotel – 18:40
TK Fringe Festival: My One And Only @ Confederation Place Hotel – 20:20

August 7th
TK Fringe Festival: A Sketchy Kind of Show @ Confederation Place Hotel – 17:00
TK Fringe Festival: Just Add Another Lane @ Confederation Place Hotel – 18:40
TK Fringe Festival: The End of the Line @ Confederation Place Hotel – 20:20

August 8th
TK Fringe Festival: Hysterical Historical @ Confederation Place Hotel – 17:00
TK Fringe Festival: New Wave Your Behaviour @ Confederation Place Hotel – 19:00
TK Fringe Festival: My One And Only @ Confederation Place Hotel – 20:40

August 9th
TK Fringe Festival: A Sketchy Kind of Show @ Confederation Place Hotel – 16:40
TK Fringe Festival: Just Add Another Lane @ Confederation Place Hotel – 18:20
TK Fringe Festival: The End of the Line @ Confederation Place Hotel – 20:00

August 10th
TK Fringe Festival: Hysterical Historical @ Confederation Place Hotel – 14:00
TK Fringe Festival: New Wave Your Behaviour @ Confederation Place Hotel – 15:40
TK Fringe Festival: My One And Only @ Confederation Place Hotel – 17:20

August 11th
TK Fringe Festival: A Sketchy Kind of Show @ Confederation Place Hotel – 12:00
TK Fringe Festival: Just Add Another Lane @ Confederation Place Hotel – 13:40
TK Fringe Festival: The End of the Line @ Confederation Place Hotel – 15:20

August 12th
TK Fringe Festival: Hysterical Historical @ Confederation Place Hotel – 17:20
TK Fringe Festival: New Wave Your Behaviour @ Confederation Place Hotel – 19:00
TK Fringe Festival: My One And Only @ Confederation Place Hotel – 20:40

August 13th
TK Fringe Festival: A Sketchy Kind of Show @ Confederation Place Hotel – 18:00
TK Fringe Festival: Just Add Another Lane @ Confederation Place Hotel – 19:30
TK Fringe Festival: The End of the Line @ Confederation Place Hotel – 21:00

August 14th to 18th
TK Fringe Festival: Various Shows @ Confederation Place Hotel & Kingston Grand Theatre – Various times

The event is finished.